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15 novembre 2006 3 15 /11 /novembre /2006 14:15
Here are some sequence grids that could be of some help

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14 novembre 2006 2 14 /11 /novembre /2006 21:24
Here is some help to deal with a recorded document.
It could also be of some help for the TLV2 students
as far as pronunciation (stress) is concerned.
Hope it will be of some help !

Creative Commons License
Cette création est mise à disposition sous un contrat Creative Commons.
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14 novembre 2006 2 14 /11 /novembre /2006 17:41
J'ai mis en téléchargement sur le blog un BONUS James BLUNT,
car je crois savoir que certains d'entre vous l'apprécient, 

n'est-ce pas Paul et Thomas ?
Où est-il ? C'est à vous de le retrouver. 
Il est caché sous une petite étoile comme celle-là:
bonne recherche et dites-moi ce que vous en pensez
car moi j'adore cette chanson !!

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14 novembre 2006 2 14 /11 /novembre /2006 11:47

Take a look at this ad for

and enjoy !


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13 novembre 2006 1 13 /11 /novembre /2006 21:37
Today we worked on The Jazz Age, "Rock around the Clock"
and New Trends periods.
We then listened to great protest songs that made history.
Take a look at this site which sums up the history of protest music
You can have access to the Jim Crow laws by clicking below


A slide show about Rosa Parks, with Pascal OBISPO's song, Rosa

And here are some videos of great songs

1. "Go Down Moses, Let My People Go"

(Go Down Moses, Let My People Go by Ray Charles with Louis Armstrong)
(Thanks to S. MARCOS for the document)
2. "Every Day I Sing The Blues"

(King Oliver and his Jazz Band)
3. The Jazz Age

(When the Saints Go Marching In, by Louis Armstrong)
4. "Rock around the Clock"

(Rock Around The Clock, by Bill Haley and the Comets)
5. New Trends

(Fight the Power, by Public Enemy)
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13 novembre 2006 1 13 /11 /novembre /2006 18:05
Today, we worked on a song by U2 called
 "Sometimes you can't make it on your own".
You can watch the videoclip here

and the worksheet you had to work on here
(an English-4U worksheet)
Hope you enjoyed it !

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13 novembre 2006 1 13 /11 /novembre /2006 17:35
Today, we corrected exercise 1 p.14.
We then answered all the close up questions.
HW: You have to answer the Standpoint questions for next time.

And as a bonus, I have this funny trailer of
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason
the sequel to Bridget Jones's Diary,

Enjoy !
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13 novembre 2006 1 13 /11 /novembre /2006 13:46
Today, we first corrected the grammar exercises on the film worksheet.
we then heard Victor made a 
summary of the text "fired"
and finished answering the questions about it.
HW: For next time, you have to learn your lesson and your vocabulary.
Don't forget your "devoir type bac" !

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13 novembre 2006 1 13 /11 /novembre /2006 00:10
You can now read other short stories by Edgar Allan Poe
with the corresponding audio files:

The Tell-Tale Heart (mp3), The Oval Portrait (mp3),
The Fall of the House of Usher (mp3),
The Masque of the Red Death (mp3),
The Raven (mp3), The Murders in the Rue Morgue,
The Pit and The Pendulum (mp3),
 The Cask of Amontillado (mp3)

So good reading and listening !
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12 novembre 2006 7 12 /11 /novembre /2006 23:39
Take a look at this funny video
and enjoy !
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