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16 novembre 2006 4 16 /11 /novembre /2006 22:08
Here is Billie Holiday's famous song on video

We described the two cartoons on your text and took some notes.
We quickly reviewed the passive form:
S + BE (au temps voulu) + p. passé (+ complément d'agent précédé de 'by')
 We then corrected the exercise Get Ready on your worksheet.
Before we started the study of your new text entitled "Southern Trees"
and in order to understand it better, you need to know more about its historical background: about segregation in the US and about the Ku Klux Klan. To do so, take a look at this site.

HW: You have to prepare the questions on part 1 of your worksheet.
Have a good week-end and see you on Monday !
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16 novembre 2006 4 16 /11 /novembre /2006 20:51
I warned you today about your lessons that are not learned regularly and I hope you will make efforts to improve on that.
We worked on the
cover of the book p.26.
HW: Learn your lesson, Word Trackers to do.
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16 novembre 2006 4 16 /11 /novembre /2006 20:36
Today, you had a small test on the irregular verbs you had to learn.
We then worked on the text: you read it while listening to it.
We then described the cover of the book from which your text is extracted
and took some notes.
HW: Learn your lesson, the vocabulary p.33 and answer questions 1 & 2 p.26.
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16 novembre 2006 4 16 /11 /novembre /2006 13:44
Here is another Roald DAHL's parody, Cinderella.
Read the text
and listen to it
Enjoy !
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16 novembre 2006 4 16 /11 /novembre /2006 11:40
Here is a lesson I found on the internet,
entitled "Did Santa Drink Coke? ", with the teacher's notes,
which could be of some interest at this period of time

teacher's notes
(from http://lve.scola.ac-paris.fr/anglais/xmasactivities.php)
Enjoy !
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15 novembre 2006 3 15 /11 /novembre /2006 15:36
Here is a worksheet to remind you of how to use the passive form
(worksheet by Y. BAPTISTE)
And to know why we use the passive form, go and see this online lesson
Hope it will help !

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15 novembre 2006 3 15 /11 /novembre /2006 15:33
Today, I gave you your small passive test back and we corrected it.
We then read the text on page 27 in your text book.
We answered question 2 of the Overview part p.26 and took some notes.
HW: Lesson to review + Word Trackers p.26 to do.
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15 novembre 2006 3 15 /11 /novembre /2006 15:23
Today, I gave you your essay on Billy Elliot back.
We corrected it and I gave you some advice I hope you will use next time.
You can read an example of what you could have done by clicking below:
We also corrected exercise 2 p.34
I picked up your ad commentary (ad p.35 in your text book).
HW: lesson to review + questions 2 to 5 p.33
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15 novembre 2006 3 15 /11 /novembre /2006 15:06
Today, we finished working on U2's song:
"Sometimes You Can't Make It"
We worked on the difference between don't have to and mustn't
and made the exercise.
We then saw the difference between:
alone, lonely, on my own, by myself and go it alone.
And we finally corrected the vocabulary exercise you had to do about the text
 "I'm mother's prisoner" p.26-27.
HW: read the text again and anwser the Overview questions.

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15 novembre 2006 3 15 /11 /novembre /2006 14:56
Today, we corrected the Standpoint questions
on Bridget Jones's text and took some notes.
Here is the worksheet's correction
I then told you about what you have to review
for your test on Monday
and it goes like this:

For the test, you have to be able to
- talk about the text,
- use the new vocabulary and structures (+ voc. p.19),
- use the preterite and preterite with V-ing,
- use the future and future with V-ing,
- use the different ways of forcing someone to do sthg:
- to force sb to do sthg,
-to talk sb into doing sthg,
- to make sb do sthg.

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