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9 février 2007 5 09 /02 /février /2007 23:40
Today, as promised, we watched the last part of Pride and Prejudice, the movie.
Here is a great video montage to remind you of the movie
with the song My Confession by Josh Groban
(+ the trailer and an extract)

Enjoy !

HW: Learn your lesson and prepare text 2.
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2 février 2007 5 02 /02 /février /2007 22:59
Today, we first recalled what the text was about and
we then finished its study.

We then worked on "language  in context".
HW: Lesson to learn + questions to finish.
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27 janvier 2007 6 27 /01 /janvier /2007 16:35
Today, we worked on 'how to write a letter'.
You had a worksheet to complete.
HW: Read in your book p.143
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22 janvier 2007 1 22 /01 /janvier /2007 18:36
Today, we went on studying our text entitled "A New Neighbour".
We talked about the way Jane AUSTEN makes up
the characters of Mr and Mrs Bennet through their conversation.
We then talked about a sentence Jane AUSTEN uses later on in the book to describe Mrs Bennet :
"The business of her life was to get her daughters married, its solace was visiting and news.”
and told how it is shown in this text:
HW: For next time, you have to learn your lessons and to make the "Language in context" exercises.

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19 janvier 2007 5 19 /01 /janvier /2007 18:15
Today, I gave you the correction of your BAC BLANC.
I also picked up your essay.
We then turned back to the Pride and Prejudice text we began to study and which is the very beginning of the novel.
We talked a lot about the characters and the first sentence, which sets the tone of the novel.
HW: For Monday, you have to learn your lesson and answer questions 8 to 11.
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15 janvier 2007 1 15 /01 /janvier /2007 20:52
Today, I gave you back your "Bac Blanc".
We talked about it and I also answered the questions of those of you
who had the oral to take this afternoon.
See you on Friday !
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8 janvier 2007 1 08 /01 /janvier /2007 23:06
Today, I gave you back your test on Philadelphia, and we corrected it.
You can find the correction here
We then read while listening to the Pride and Prejudice text entitled "A New Neighbour".
Listen to it again by clicking below

We then answered question 3.
HW: You have to answer the questions to 5 for next time.

Good luck for your "Bac Blanc"!!
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22 décembre 2006 5 22 /12 /décembre /2006 18:15

You were wonderfully disguised today, congratulations for your efforts !!

 I first gave you the subject of the essay you have to do during your holidays:

you have to choose between subject 1 and 4 on your worksheet.

We then watched an extract from Pride and Prejudice, the movie.

Hope you enjoyed it !


 Enjoy your holidays !!

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18 décembre 2006 1 18 /12 /décembre /2006 21:10
Today, you had your test on Philadelphia.
Some of you worked on the comprehension of a text
while the others prepared an oral preparation of the "Culture Shock" text in the lab.

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15 décembre 2006 5 15 /12 /décembre /2006 22:14
Today, I first told you about the Bac Blanc which will take place from
 January 9th to Friday 12th.
I also gave you the date and times of the oral exam for 5 of you:
it will be on Monday 15th, January, from 14h to 16h30.
We then talked about what we did last time and
 saw the movie extract corresponding to the text you had to read for today.
You can watch it again here
of the Pride and Prejudice movie here:

HW: Lesson to review.
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