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20 septembre 2006 3 20 /09 /septembre /2006 23:39
Cette catégorie s'adresse à tous ceux qui souhaitent améliorer leur compréhension écrite,
elle regroupe en effet plusieurs textes glânés ici et là sur le web, de sujets variés et pouvant être
 soit des extraits de romans, soit des nouvelles, en anglais, of course.
En espérant que vous y trouverez
tous chaussures à vos pieds,
Good reading !
Et pour commencer, quelques échantillons:
              Novels extracts: The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons by Dan BROWN, Fever Pitch by Nick HORNBY (for those who like football), Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur GOLDEN

           Short stories: The Tell-Tale Heart (mp3) and The Oval Portrait ( mp3) by Edgar Allan POE, The Landlady (with some useful vocabulary to help you read it) and Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald DAHL

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20 septembre 2006 3 20 /09 /septembre /2006 15:22
Today, I checked your lesson and I picked up your commentary and
we corrected it thanks to a fill in the gaps text.
(thanks to C. PERONET for sharing her work)
We then took some notes.
HW: For Friday, you have to learn your lesson
 and read the text entitled "I Knew I Could Do It" on p.18 in your book
and do the following exercises:
outline and questions 1 and 2 of the section Read and Reply p.19.

(Don't forget to bring your book !)
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20 septembre 2006 3 20 /09 /septembre /2006 14:46
Today, we first corrected your exercises.
We then made a test on the interrogative words.
You can find it here:
Hope you succeeded !
HW: you have to review the commentary you made of the cartoon.
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19 septembre 2006 2 19 /09 /septembre /2006 13:48
As some of you told me yesterday, tomorrow is the release of World Trade Center,
the new Oliver Stone movie.
So to know if it is worth going to see it, watch the trailer and some clips from it
 by clicking on the poster of the film.
Enjoy, and tell me about it if you go and see it !!
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18 septembre 2006 1 18 /09 /septembre /2006 21:51
Today, we worked on an article taken from the New York Post (online edition).
You commented on it and we took some notes.
You can read the article below:
See you on Friday !
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18 septembre 2006 1 18 /09 /septembre /2006 14:32
Today, we worked on groups on "TV and Cinema Trivia".
You had to read the document and
 find questions which corresponded to the answers
you had on your sheet of paper.
TEAM B was the winner after 5 questions.
So, TEAM A, improve yourselves next time, OK ?

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18 septembre 2006 1 18 /09 /septembre /2006 14:28
Today, I checked your lesson and I picked up your commentary and
we corrected it thanks to a fill in the gaps text.
(thanks to C. PERONET for sharing her work)
We then took some notes.
HW: For Friday, you have to learn your lesson
 and read the text entitled "Not for lads" on p.26 in your book.
(Don't forget to bring your book !)

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16 septembre 2006 6 16 /09 /septembre /2006 14:19
As I promised to you, here is a list of link words made by H. QUINSON
which will be very useful for your essays and your participation in class !

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16 septembre 2006 6 16 /09 /septembre /2006 11:20
You will find below some vocabulary
to help you describe and comment on

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16 septembre 2006 6 16 /09 /septembre /2006 10:40
Je viens de rajouter une catégorie: Methodology, dans laquelle vous trouverez  toutes sortes de documents vous permettant d'acquérir des méthodes de travail pour étudier l'anglais.
 La première fiche consiste en une série de conseils pour les cours d'anglais:
 l'attitude à adopter en cours, le travail à fournir, le vocabulaire à utiliser en cours, etc...
 Cette fiche a été faite à partir du site de l'académie de Nancy-Metz dont j'ai mis l'adresse au bas de celle-ci,
 je trouvais simplement plus pratique de la mettre sous forme de fiche  imprimable.
En espérant que vous saurez en tirer profit.
N'hésitez pas non plus à me dire ce que vous souhaiteriez voir figurer dans cette catégorie !!

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Cette création est mise à disposition sous un contrat Creative Commons.
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